Your eyes are usually the first feature people notice. This is why eyelid lifts, also known as blepharoplasty, are one of first and most common cosmetic surgeries. The natural process of aging often causes both upper and lower eyelid skin to stretch as muscle tone weakens. Eyebrows may also appear droopy, as well. And, in some cases, droopy eyelids may even interfere with vision or lead to brow/eyelid strain. Thus, natural aging can give you the appearance of being tired, sleepy or pre-maturely aged.
Eyelid surgery can improve the appearance of your eyelids. This surgery can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. With this surgery, we reduce excess skin and fat in the eyelid. The small incisions made on the outside of the eyelid in the surgery are closed with fine sutures and fade over time. Following surgery, the incisions are barely visible.
In the case of a lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the surgery can be performed via skin incision or via incisions inside the eyelid.