Eyelid Laxity
We offer surgical correction for eyelid laxity. The following are conditions that we can treat with corrective surgery.
Ectropion is the medical term for sagging and outward turning of the lower eyelid and eyelashes. With this condition, he margin of the eyelid and the eyelashes evert, or turn out. This can lead to excessive tearing, crusting of the eyelid, mucous discharge and irritation of the eye.
Entropion is the medical term for sagging and inward turning of the lower eyelid and eyelashes. With this condition, the margin of the eyelid and the eyelashes invert, or turn in. This rubbing can lead to excessive tearing, crusting of the eyelid, mucous discharge and irritation of the eye.
Trichiasis is the medical term for a condition where the eyelashes point backward, growing back toward the eye. This condition can cause irritation, damage and infection to the cornea or other parts of the eye.
Floppy Eyelid Syndrome describes a condition where the eyelid becomes very loose and appears rubbery and oversized. This condition can lead to irritation and inflammation of the cornea or other parts of the eye.