Skin Rejuvenation
We perform a wide variety of skin rejuvenation and cosmetic treatments in our office. Laser skin resurfacing can remove wrinkles. The laser resurfaced areas reveals fresh, new, undamaged skin surface cells, which replace previous aged, sun-damaged, or pigmented skin. Improvement usually continues as the aged and sun-damaged deep collagen areas continue to regenerate and repair themselves for three to six months following treatment.
The CO2 laser is one of our more useful laser resurfacing tools. The CO2 laser is a high-energy infrared beam of light, which can be used for both cutting (surgical incisions) and for skin resurfacing. The CO2 laser emits a short intense burst of energy, which vaporizes the outer layer of skin, yet doesn’t damage to the underlying skin. The skin is removed layer by layer so there is much more control than dermabrasion or chemical peels and it occurs without blood. The laser-resurfaced skin is populated by fresh skin regenerating cells and the underlying skin tightens. The pulsed CO2 laser precisely applies a specially selected therapeutic wavelength of laser-guided energy to the damaged skin. The first pass erases your outermost damaged skin layer without injuring vital deeper skin structures. The second laser pass precisely tightens and shrinks the aged and sun-damaged deeper collagen containing structures, which cause wrinkling. More severely damaged skin areas may require one or two more passes..